Good for digestion


Improves appetite and digestion of finishing pigs, leading to improved feed conversion, growth and productivity.

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  • Poracid | Herbavita
  • Poracid | Herbavita
  • Poracid | Herbavita
Intestinal health
Increases appetite
Optimal growth

Poracid is a liquid blend of organic acids and herbs such as Caraway and Yellow Gentian for fattening pigs. It promotes good appetite, efficient digestion and feed conversion, increases the resistance and has a general purifying effect.


Feed conversion is a crucial aspect of the fattening pig industry, directly impacting productivity and profitability. Pigs that require less feed to gain weight contribute positively to both financial returns and farm sustainability.

Several key factors influence feed conversion efficiency in fattening pigs:

  • Feed Quality: The feed must be of high quality and have a balanced composition.
  • Genetics: Certain breeds have a genetic advantage for converting feed into weight gain more efficiently.
  • Health: Healthy pigs exhibit better feed conversion rates.
  • Housing and Management: Conditions such as temperature, humidity, and ventilation can influence pig welfare and appetite.
  • Feed Intake: Pigs with a robust appetite will consume more feed, leading to improved growth and feed conversion.


Poracid stimulates appetite and improves digestion, optimizing feed conversion. This leads to healthier, fast-growing pigs and increased productivity.

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Dilute with the same amount of water. 2L per 1000L of drinking water


Available in 25L, 250L and 1000L


Organic acids

  • Improves meat quality

  • Improves feed intake and digestion

  • Improves intestinal health

  • Increases growth and weight gain
  • Supportive in case of stress

  • Inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria by lowering the pH levels.

Caraway (Carum carvi)
Properties of caraway

  • Improves digestion

  • Boosting feed consumption

  • Antimicrobial properties
  • Stress reduction

  • Support immunity

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